Agencija TuamV, 5270 Ajdovščina
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EN - English
Minibuses for excursions and other tourist activities
In addition to organizing tourist packages, the Tuamv agency also offers first-class transportation with their exclusive minibuses.
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SL - Slovene
Minibusi za izlete in ostale turistične dejavnosti
Agencija Tuamv vam poleg organiziranja turističnih paketov, nudi tudi prvovrsten prevoz z njihovimi exsluzivnimi minibusi. Oglejte si več na:
Agencija TuamV
Vojkova ulica 15
5270 5270 Ajdovščina
Country: SLO. [Slovenia]
TEL: 00386 (0)40 805 761
Web site:
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