J.J.P. INTERNACIONAL d.o.o., Ljubljana

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EN - English

Express van delivery all over Slovenia and Europe

We are a young logistics company learning from the experiance of our european owners well known for their expertise and commitment to quality solutions. We bet your company has experienced logistics problems in the past. We are here to help. We offer very competitive prices for shipments all over Slovenia and Europe. Our company works on the 24/7 principal. Which means we pick-up or deliver your cargo any time and any day of the week. We specialze for palets transfer with vans where speed is of the esence. May that be medical equipment, technical goods, consumer products and many more... We will be glad to listen to your needs and give you an excelent offer for shiping your cargo. We pay maximum attention to your specific needs and busines practice. For all offers and additional questions please contact us at the specifed contact details below. We wish you a nice and succesful day. Team J.J.P INTERNACIONAL- Logistics befitting your standards

SL - Slovene

Ekpres kombi prevozi po Sloveniji in Evropi

Spoštovani. Smo mlado podjetje za logistiko, ki črpa znanje iz dolgoletnih izkušenj naših lastnikov iz tujine, poznanih po evropski poslovnosti in predanosti kvaliteti storitev. Prav gotovo se tudi v Vašem podjetju srečujete z problemi v logistiki. Tukaj smo, da Vam pomagamo. Nudimo zelo konkurenčne prevoze pošiljk po Sloveniji in Evropi, ter zagotavljamo dostavo v 24 urah. Delamo po principu 24/7 tako, da tovor prevzamemo ali dostavimo kadarkoli in kamorkoli želite. Specializirani smo za paletne prevoze v kombijih, kjer je čas ključnega pomena. Naj si bo to medicinska oprema, tehnično blago, izdelki široke potrošnje in še veliko več. Z veseljem prisluhnemo Vašim potrebam in Vam pripravimo zelo ugodno ponudbo, ki bo ustrezala Vašemu načinu dela in Vašim specifičnim potrebam. Za vsa povpraševanja po prevozih ali dodatna vprašanja smo Vam na voljo na spodnjih kontaktnih podatkih. Želimo Vam lep in uspešen dan. Ekipa J.J.P INTERNACIONAL – Logistika po Vaši meri.


Trg republike 3

1000 Ljubljana

Country: SLO. [Slovenia]

TEL: 00386 (0)1 320 62 23

TEL: 00386 (0)51 30 00 30

Web site: http://www.jjp-internacional.si

Language: Slovensko, angleško, srbsko, hrvaško, nizozemsko

[All offers from this company]
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