NT Logistika d.o.o., Komenda

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EN - English


Warehouse logistics: we store raw materials, semi-finished products, merchandise and frozen goods at – 25 C.
We have the following modern warSkladiščna logistikaehousing capacities: cold stores, closed warehouses, covered warehouses, open warehousing deposit sites.

Organising all kinds of international goods transport:  full loads, partial loads, groupage transports, groupage lines Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and SE European countries, dispatching small shipments in line with the applicable schedule, with known transit time at optimum transportation prices, transport of excisable goods, special transport, combined transport: Ro/Ro, Hucke-pack, container, ship transport, air transport.

Distribution of goods: in Slovenia and abroad, organisation and implementation of goods distribution from own warehouses and other dispatch warehouses, with own or rented capacities, for standard merchandise or frozen goods.

Other logistic services: preparation of accompanying documents, cargo insurance of goods, care of empty packaging, other common services in the forwarding and agency operations, customs procedures.

Renting of business premises.

SL - Slovene


Skladiščna logistika: skladiščimo surovine, polizdelke, trgovsko blago in zmrznjeno blago na režimu – 25 stopinj C.
Razpolagamo s sodobnimi skladiščnimi kapacitetami: hladilnice, zaprta skladišča, pokrita skladišča, odprte skladiščne deponije.

Organizacija mednarodnih prevozov blaga vseh vrst: kompletni nakladi, dokladi in zbirni prevozi, zbirne linije Avstrija, Nemčija, Velika Britanija, Italija in države JV Evrope, specialni prevozi, ladijski prevozi, letalski prevozi.

Distribucija blaga: organizacija in izvedba distribucije blaga iz lastnih skladišč, iz drugih odpremnih skladišč.

Druge logistične storitve: priprava spremnih dokumentov, cargo zavarovanje blaga, skrb za prazno embalažo, druge običajne storitve v špediterskem in agencijskem poslovanju, carinski postopki.

Oddajanje prostorov.

NT Logistika d.o.o.

Moste 2f

1218 Komenda

Country: SLO. [Slovenia]

TEL: 00386 (0)40-455-604

Web site: http://www.nt-logistika.si

[All offers from this company]
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